Sunday, April 1

Impressive and Ever-So-Useful Powers

I sing, "The Same Fire" to Alex, but he is unresponsive. Instead I have just set Shorewood Elementary on fire. I feel guilty about the Ficus, since they have been thriving recently.

I am back at Burien Dance, in pointe class. Bridgette seems to have trouble remembering her choreography for our dance, and when she does it is terrible. We waltz diagonally across the floor for at least twelve counts, and collide into a can can line.
Class ends, and I go out to the lobby. Ginny, a girl I used to dance with is there waiting for the next class, and she asks me, "Are you ever going to come visit my Grandma's furniture liquidation business? It's right in the middle of the U-District!" I say yes, of course I'll come, because it seems really important to her, and ask for directions on how to get there. Of course, she has no idea because she doesn't know the area, so I ask for cross streets or an address. She can't give me either of them, so I end up flying over the area and setting down on 15th and 43rd, near the bookstore.
The furniture liquidation business actually turns out to be a protective shelter for some magical giraffe's that are threatened by some grumpy dinosaurs roaming the area. The dinosaurs are on a rampage, and I have to act as peacemaker, but in order to communicate with either group I have to become an animal, as small and nonthreatening as possible. The natural answer, of coarse, is a squirrel. I find a shed and sit down to concentrate on my transformation, with my dragonfly friend as a lookout. Beginning takes me longer than usual, but at last I am able to concentrate on my squirrel thoughts and I begin to shrink. When I judge I am small and furry enough I scamper out of the shed and over to the giraffe shelter, oping I won't have to go through that process again.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

note: i was not trying to set alex on fire. i didn't know anythihng would actually ignite in flames.