Sunday, April 1

Another Barefoot in Public Bathroom Dream

The rules state that I must shower first, so I wander through the complex maze of the locker room until I find a relatively uncrowded shower. I set all my things down and turn around to shower, but when I turn back they have all been taken. I am not concerned about my clothes (if they are missing), but rather about the top-secret diagrams. I ask my mother to help me look recover them, but she is missing too. I walk back out of the locker room, now all too aware of the grimy wet floor, until I find the lifeguard. He reminds me of an older Mr. Wallis, or other vice principal-like figure, and I tell him of the theft. He makes me lead him back to the scene of the crime, where he discovers nothing and makes insincere promises and mutters about paperwork.
Obviously, my only hope for recovering the plans is Roderick. I take a walk around the block with him, and by the time we get back to the starting point, we almost kiss. o_O

I am in a fancy new building with glass walls and doors, along with about seven other people, including my brother. Finally, we convince the security guard that we really want to be locked in for the night, and he leaves. We all shiver in anticipation of the event that is about to happen after months of waiting. Our research has come down to these final few minutes, indicated my a large digital timer with red numbers on the wall in front of us. We take our places: I stand in an alcove in the glass wall, leaning as far forward as I can against a glass door, looking to the left. Two other people crowd in an alcove to my right, but I have a better view. One woman is actually in the room my door leads to, and she presses her nose against the glass wall on the left side of that room, peering intently into the room the actual event will take place in.
One minute is left, and I can see motion at the far end of that room, but the woman is blocking my view. Some apparatus with wheels is slowly rolling backwards with a great effort against some resisting force. I shuffle forward a few inches, wishing I could get into the next room. Then I try the handle of the door. It turns. I push it and step forward, and an alarm goes off! All of the lights shut off!

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