Monday, April 16

B-Grade Fan Movies and Wikis

I am standing there, not here but there, when a friend materializes in front of me. He mentions to me that "The Lonesome Crowded West" would make a fantastic film and that Cowboy Dan would be a broke-down protagonist.

I agree with him, but at that moment, a second friend appears. He claims that any attempt at creating a real life Cowboy Dan is an exercise in futility and that we should instead do one based on Sad Sappy Sucker and have it set entirely in the space between the floorboards of a deserted gas station. In the film, everything would be shot with miniatures representing actual sized things that are sung about on the album, but there would be life-size characters (like in Fraggle Rock) to clarify size through contrast.

I agree with him. Wiki-friends to the end.

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