Things Are A Little Different Now
I am getting a ride to school from my parents because I am late to dance. As we drive up Roosevelt I need to hop out, and they are looking for a place to eat. There is a large beige building on the corner with tiny windows very high up- I can hear the cooks laughing and having a good time, but why are they so high up? Inside it is plastic and themed.
I go to school, looking for some place to eat lunch. I walk east past about 5 tiny shops. I get around the corner and run into Julia and Andrea- we walk back looking for a good restaurant. My dad is there and orders pizza from one of the shops. I try to get some, but they are in the process of transitioning to a Greek restaurant. I try to order some hummus, but they haven't transitioned far enough into the Greeks theme to be able to serve that. There are only peach-filled cinnamon rolls.
In the car driving past Shorewood with Jen the 5.0 and Matt, I am in back seat and make fun of Matt, referencing the good ol' times. Jen says she knows, she has pictures too.
We visit Roderick in his new dorm. Everything he brought with him is colored bright red-orange.
We all go out to dinner, and Roderick brings along his new girlfriend, who looks and acts like a 10 year-old. Rod seems to think it's cute, and calls her sweetie pie and makes kissy faces as he straps her into a large high chair.