Monday, May 21

A Conveniently Long Three Mintues

I was about to go to San Francisco to get MARRIED.

I go to the Robinson Center, and notice Alex's food sitting on the table (because Alex's food is instantly recognizable in dreams). I take the grapefruit and eat it, asking if he is around, and someone tells me he will be back in a second. I don't have time to wait so I walk out the door with the grapefruit and run into Alex. He says, "We should talk... This is absurd!" I agree that "this" is absurd, but have to run off to my midterm, promising to talk as soon as I finish, before I leave for San Francisco.

While filling in the name bubbles on the answer sheet during the instructions for the final I remember that Alex is supposed to ruin my wedding, and also realize what is absurd is that I am 17 years old and getting married. I get up, under the semblance of going to the bathroom, and return to the Robinson Center. My fiance is there- some Asian EEPer packing his suitcase. Slightly confused about why I was going to get married in the first place, I tell him, "We're 17 years old! Let's not get married, we have to call off the wedding." When he gets all teary-eyed I grab his wrists and say, "We don't have to break up! Let's still be in love. We're so young, we should enjoy being young." He never really says anything, just looks sulky.

I leave him with his half-packed suitcase, figuring I should take advantage of my bathroom break and actually use the bathroom before going back to my midterm. I find the cellar where the bathroom is located, but I know I shouldn't bring the giant ziplock bag of Alex's pot I've been carrying around into the cellar with me because the supervisors check everyone before they go in there. I hide it under the window sill, but then suddenly realize bathroom breaks can only be three minutes long or they will fail your final. Instead of going to the bathroom, I decide I need to get coffee. I mean, I really NEEDED coffee, so I go into the Safeway next door and find Connor's checkstand. He understands my semi-urgency and pulls out the giant urn of drip and pours me a cup. Unfortunately, I can't drink it straight, and the only sweet thing around is caramel sauce. I pour some in- and realize I only have 23 second to get back to the final! The coffee isn't hot enough to dissolve the caramel, and I take two gulps, spilling all over myself as I run away

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