Moral Dilemmas
I am independent from my family now; I decide to attend some sort of function at my old church, to see all the people that have forgotten me.
Standing in line for the bathroom, I allow several incontinent old women to cut ahead of me. When it is finally my turn, I enter a long yellow hallway with a toilet at one end. Another doorway opens onto the gathering hall; it does not have a lock. I close both doors and quickly take care of my business, hoping no one barges in on me. I am successful.
I procceed to the sanctuary. None of the lights are on, the colors seem faded and grey. I see an old friend sitting in a pew where the pulpit used to be. Sliding in behind her, I tell her, "I vant to suck your blood!" It seems to be appropriate for the situation, turns she turns and gives a welcoming smile. In a pew futher up sits another girl I haven't seen in years. In my absence, she has undergone a sex change and is now wearing only nordic beanies. She has her arm around another girl. She is mad at me, I can only assume because I missed her supposed birthday party. The first friend mutters under her breath to be nice.
After the service we scour the pews in the balcony for a siren (the mythical kind) of sorts. As soon as we approach her, she teleports to the next level up.
Later, I am transporting my pets from one location to another. A beautiful white kitten catches my attention, and I can't decide if I can put my mouse and my ant down to pet the kitten. I do so, and thankfully, they do not wander off. All three animals begin to form high-pitched gibberish, which I know will turn into real speech in the next week or so. In fact, it seems to be doing so faster than I had expected. I am relieved.