Tuesday, March 6

Let It Be

I am riding in the car with my mom through the middle of nowhere. The only monument in sight on the beige plain is a giant casino, which we leave behind. Finally, up ahead I spot a square building and parking lot. My mother begins driving insanely fast, and I assume it is a bank that we must reach before it closes, but it turns out it is just a cheap shoe store. We do several 360s on the parking lot as my mom tries to figure out if it is closed, and then we screech out of the parking lot back to the casino.

In the parking lot of the casino, I try to move about unnoticed, following someone. This is made easier by the fact that the cars are replaced by tall objects, somewhat like anthills. I catch up to the person I am following, and then some events take place which involve me giving a piggy back ride to this person, trying to dance while doing this, and him becoming paralyzed. My uncle arrives in the parking lot, and I gather from his presence that the paralysis of the person on my back is a hereditary disease that his family didn't want me to know about. He says nothing, being paralyzed, but I know he wants to.

The casino is also High School, and I am visiting Kelly Mason. She tells me about her schedule and I ask if she has much homework. She says she has a ton, and very little time to do it in, but her mother will help her by typing up her lab report. I laugh, wishing I could get my parents to help me with my homework when I am busy.
Kelly starts to say something else about her job, but I don't hear what she says, because I have begun singing "Let It Be". I look her in the eye, indicating that I can't stop now, and in any case singing is what's most important in this moment. Matt Kent understands and joins in.

We go to lunch in the cafeteria, where the cashier charges me $1.50. There is so much good food, I am amazed, and wish I could eat like this every day.


Alex Walton said...

I knew it was you when you said "beige" a few lines in.

Jenny said...

knew it was what?

Jenny said...

oh, i thought you said, "i knew it was when you said 'beige' a few lines in". i thought is might be a nonsensical reference to "let it be". like, "it was".

is that one of my distictive features? beige?