Saturday, March 10

Southgate Pizza Rink

I sit in the Mini with my mom. My feet rest on the dashboard and Monty crawls about in te back seat. We are parked in front of Southgate Roller Rink. My mom urges me to go in and order some pizza; she will pay me back. I don't think a roller rink will have very good pizza, but when I go inside it is actually a pizza parlor resembling the old Wendy's on Ambaum. The fluorescent lighting makes me confused, and I stumble across some of the ropes forming a maze across the emtpy floor, presumably to guide the nonexistent line of customers. I fing my way to the counter, buy a rootbeer and a lemonade because I am suddenly very thirsty.
Then I am guided out an alternate entrance into a warehouse, with dark curtains and blacklighting and mirrors. I know this is a funhouse where terrible things usually happen in dreams, and I fully expect terrible things to happen, but again I become confused by the ropes and pathways, and stumble out into the parking lot.
When I get back into the car my mom expresses disappointment that I forgot to order a pizza and goes back into the crazy parlor. The car is now oriented differently, and I climb through to the backseat, and touch the rear window. I remark to Monty that icicles have formed and will soon melt away.
Then Jeff Eaton walks across the parking lot, sharply dressed. I sit on the edge of the open window, calling to him over the top of the car. I am surprised when he remembers my name and calls back. Just then Sean Hughes comes out of the funhouse and he and Jeff talk about probability and statistics, and mention Nick in the context of mad skillz. I assume they are talking about Nick Moen, and ask them, but Jeff says, "Oh no, not that Nick..."

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