Tuesday, October 9

New Games

A large group of people play hide and seek in a complex of beautiful old buildings. I find my way into the uppermost bedroom, accessible only by ladder, intending to rest there for a while and enjoy the view out the window. I can see everyone in the courtyard below sneaking around. I don't stay long, though. I think I decide that I have to keep playing the game in order for it to be fun.

On the 120 from Burien to White Center, 116th is blocked by police cars. There are people in the street, protesting. Eventually the bus finds a way around and I get off. Later I explain to someone how remarkable the scene was, how the People formed and line and marched toward the Swiss National Guard with the metal pedestrian fences from a construction site. The Swiss National Guard pulled out their guns, but the people refused to back down, then the King County Police department arrived, blocked off the streets, and did nothing to improve the situation.

There is a long line for ice cream in the town that should be deserted. I am determined to order as efficiently as possible, but when I get to the front of the line, The woman shoos me off to the correct cashier. I hurry out and down the street, rushing to someone I know will soon have a confrontation and need help.
I support someone as we hobble down an alley in the town that should be deserted. Then I am that person. When my supporter goes ahead to look for the safe haven, they place me face-up on the ground, and I tell myself it is alright to lay in the street, because I can't move anyway.

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