Monday, August 20

Sixième Promenade

Tim and Connor come to my house and steal half of the pot of water I have just begun to boil. This is fine with me because then the rest boild much more quickly for my couscous. Then I notice that they have stolen a page of notes that I was using to study for the final. I chase then down, and Connor says, "But you don't really need it!" I look at the page and discover it is actually a useless page about Charles de Gaulle, not the important page I thought they had. They also have my bar of chocoloate that is in a tiny ice cube tray. Breaking off half of the tray I say, "Actually, you kep those notes. And I'll tell you what. I'm going to give you this chocolate too. But not because I like you! It's because I know you need it as much as I do."

Jazz Ensemble

I knock on Robin's front door, trying to pick something up before she leaves for the competition. She lets me in, and Steven leads me in to the living room. I hear jazz coming out of the other room, across the outdoor cooridoor, something I can recognize, and I ask who is playing. Someone listens for a minute and says, "Well it must be Brianna on first trombone it it sounds like that..."
Sometime later I wander over to the room where the jazz is coming from, to find Devin, Matt, Julianne, Kari, Gracie, and Mr. Babcock/Steen lying on their backs on the ground in their pajamas, knees bent, playing their instruments. Someone tells me, "That isn't Devin, that's Devin the newest freshman, who took on second chair." I walk among them; Mr. Babcock/Steen is wearing briefs over bike shorts.

Wednesday, August 15


I am sitting in a park just off Ambaum, it has been raining and I can see the ocean through the firs. Water drips off of the branches into a birdbath, catching the sun and my eye.
Nearby three boys, around twelve years old each, gather around a computer behind me, reseaching other parks to go to. They ask me what my favorite park was when I was their age, and I think. I tell them about Lincold park, Seahurst, and Discovery park, but obviously they already know about those. I think harder and can almost remember my very favorite park, but I cannot remember what made it so amazing, or where it was.