Tuesday, July 10

Teacups and Marbles

Reunions have lost all novelty in my family. Every birthday, major, and minor holiday the clan collects in someone's hurriedly cleaned house to celebrate a bloodline that thins as the old men's hairlines grow sparse. The cousins sit in Auntie Loree's living room staring at a smattering of marbles on the floor. We grow bored and decide to play a game. To do this we shrink and take flight. Disneyland is fairly easy to locate because it has also shrunk and is currently located somewhere in the nap of my Auntie's rug. We scan the park and decide to head for the teacups. They are colorful and we strap ourselves in knowing very well that we may lose our appetites. It is a beautiful contraption, this teacup ride - no longer like the traditional one, it is four stories high and made of colorful balls. In addition to spinning around, one must hit the white balls and send them through a central funnel.

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