Monday, August 20

Sixième Promenade

Tim and Connor come to my house and steal half of the pot of water I have just begun to boil. This is fine with me because then the rest boild much more quickly for my couscous. Then I notice that they have stolen a page of notes that I was using to study for the final. I chase then down, and Connor says, "But you don't really need it!" I look at the page and discover it is actually a useless page about Charles de Gaulle, not the important page I thought they had. They also have my bar of chocoloate that is in a tiny ice cube tray. Breaking off half of the tray I say, "Actually, you kep those notes. And I'll tell you what. I'm going to give you this chocolate too. But not because I like you! It's because I know you need it as much as I do."

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